August 2022 SKA Board Meeting & Remote Attendance Option
Posted on Jun 30th, 2022
Greetings! Out next scheduled SKA board meeting will be on August 30, 2022 at 6PM at the Blue Knob convention center. This is not the annual public meeting, those take place in the Fall, but a standard quarterly meeting. We would like to extend our previous option for members who have topics, questions, concerns, or requests to attend the public portion of these meetings. We are going to attempt to extend this to remote membership through a Zoom style online meeting application. As this will be a first for us, we'd ask those taking part to be patient as we are working with a very limited internet connection. As with in-person attendance, we'd ask that anyone wishing to bring a topic to the floor let us know via email at no less than seven days in advance of the scheduled meeting. Remote attendance will only be available to those with specifically scheduled topics, similar to live in-person attendance, our intention is not to provide passive listening-only opportunities at this point. We hope this opens the door to more active member participation in the SKA board meetings going forward! As always, if there are any questions, please let us know by the contact-us form on this website or by sending email to Thank you, and have a pleasant Fourth of July Weekend!